
Whoever you are, whoever you think you are: know this – you are unprecedented. In the vast expanse of the universe, filled with galaxies, stars, and an inconceivable amount of particles, there is, and will only ever be, one you. Spanning your recall of the past, personal narrative of the present, and the dictate of the future you may be subject to, your existence is unparalleled, a once-in-cosmic-history occurrence. Think of that – out of all conceivable possibilities, it’s you who came to be. Not just another human, but uniquely you.

Imagine, for a moment, the myriad events that had to align for you to be here. Think of the serendipitous meetings, the challenges overcome, and the narrow escapes of your ancestors. From the beginning of time, a series of intricate events led to your existence, and since then, countless moments have sculpted the narrative of your life. Each decision you’ve made, every experience you’ve had, has etched another delicate detail onto the canvas that is uniquely, profoundly, you—a canvas that’s never static, always in flux, and beautifully dynamic.

Yet, we all have our moments of doubt. As we march though the harsh headwind of certain uncertainty, when the world feels heavy, and the dark clouds of despair trail close, it’s easy to forget. On those days, when we can’t see the forest for the trees, more than ever, it’s imperative to anchor ourselves in the recognition of the greater truth of our unmatched existence.

I’m not claiming that this realization will magically dissolve all challenges or that it’s a panacea for life’s hardships. Also, this isn’t a call for arrogance or self-indulgence, but a plea for greater awareness and gratitude. You are an unparalleled story unfolding in real-time, a dynamic mix of the past’s legacies and the future’s potential. In your darkest days, facing a finite future, whether it be a bullet, a bus or senility, remember that you are the universe expressing itself for a brief moment. So, whoever you are, whoever you think you are: know this – you are unprecedented. Let this be your armor, your solace, your anchor.